Offices of the Village Clerk & Village Treasurer

Village Clerk

The Village Clerk has custody of all Village records, papers, books and communications, as well as the reports and communications of the Board of Trustees.

  • At meetings of the Board of Trustees, the Village Clerk serves as Clerk of the Board and keeps records of the meetings. The Clerk is responsible for preparing and preserving the minutes of their meetings. In addition, the Clerk compiles a record of all Village resolutions and local laws.
  • The Village Clerk serves as the Registrar of Vital Statistics and maintains and issues certified copies of birth and death records of the Village
  • The Village Clerk is the Public Access Information Officer and processes all requests for records under the Freedom of Information Law.

Village Treasurer

The office of the Village Treasurer handles all employee payroll records, accounts payable, accounts receivables and Human Resources and purchases.

As the Village's Chief Fiscal Officer, the Village Treasurer is responsible for the collection, disbursement, investment, and accounting of all Village funds. Included in the Treasurer's responsibilities is the preparation of the annual budget, the collection and enforcement of all Village taxes and assessments, water/sewer billing and collection, accounts receivable and payable, capital and debt financings, payroll, accounting, cash management and electronic data processing, employee payroll records and Human Resources.

Handicap Parking Permits

Handicapped ParkingA Handicapped Parking Permit may be issued for temporary or permanent use by the Village Clerk’s office.

You and your healthcare provider can complete application form MV-664.1. You also can have your healthcare provider (MD, DO, DPM, or NP) complete a statement on their letterhead. The statement must describe the disabling condition and verify that the disability qualifies according to the law.

There is no fee for a permit. 

Dog Licenses

Dog LicenseEvery dog in New York State that is more than 4 months old must be licensed. A current rabies vaccination must be included when applying for a dog license and/or renewal.

Applications may be obtained from the Village Clerk’s office or downloaded from the Forms & Applications section on the left.


Mortgage Satisfaction or Address Change

If your mortgage has been satisfied or a change of address needs to be made to your account, a request must  be made in writing to update your account.  

The following options are available to make a change to your account:

  • Fill out the Mortgage Satisfaction form and e-mail directly to the Tax Office at
  • Visit Village Hall and fill out the form in person.
  • Fax the form to our office at 914-737-6587.
  • Mail the form to:
    Village of Buchanan
    236 Tate Avenue
    Buchanan, NY 10511

Tax Bills

Annual Tax Bills are due July 1st.  The penalty for unpaid bills is 2% the first month and 1% each additional month until paid.  The Real Property Tax Law does not allow forgiving of taxes, interest or penalties due to the non-receipt by the property owner.

Pay Your Taxes Online NowOpens a new window


Get the answers to frequently asked questions about property taxes.
Senior Citizens with Limited Income Exemption (RP-467)

The Senior Tax Exemption (RP-467) is available to homeowners age 65 and over.

  • Income Eligibility Requirements:
    • INCOME LIMIT IS $58,400
  • Owner Eligibility Requirements:
    • The property must be the owners' primary residence

Documentation required for first time filers of the SR-467 include:

If you do not file Income Tax Returns, please contact our office at 914-737-1033 (press 1) for further information.

Documentation required for renewing SR-467 include:

If you do not file Income Tax Returns, please provide the completed Income for 467 Senior Worksheet. 

All exemption applications must be filed by taxable status date, December 31st of each year.

Instructions for Senior Citizen Property Tax ExemptionOpens a new window
Water Bills

Water bills are issued quarterly.  Payments are due July 1st, October 1st, January 1st,  and April 1st.  Late penalty is 5% for the first month and 1% for each additional month until the bill is paid in full.

Pay Your Water Bill Online NowOpens a new window


Using the EyeOnWater app, available on the App Store and Google Play, residents can check their water account for usage and leaks.
Click here for set-up instructions.

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