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Water Drops

Drought Watch

The Northern Westchester Joint Water Works has issued a voluntary water restriction notice effective November 13, 2024. There are no mandatory water use restrictions in place under a drought watch, but residents are strongly encouraged to voluntarily conserve water.

The New York City Water Supply System, which supplies the NWJWW with raw water, has declared a drought watch. The historically low rainfall received in the region over the past 2 months, above average temperatures and the Delaware Aqueduct Repair project were all contributing factors to the decision.

Please do your part to conserve water!

Click here to read the Notice which includes water conservation suggestions.

Holiday Lights graphic
Holiday Lights graphic

Light Up the Village

Celebrate the holidays with a spectacular light show right at your own home!  The Village will award prizes to the top 5 celebrators of the season.

Judging will take place on December 13. and prizes will be awarded on December 16.

Santa's Mailbox graphic

Santa's Mailbox

Do you want to send a letter to Santa this year with all your wish list items? Santa’s Mail Box is located at the Village Hall and will be available after Thanksgiving until December 13.  

Go and “mail” your letter to Santa!  The Village Hall hours are M-F 8:30-4:30. All letters received by December 13 will receive a letter back from Santa. Don’t forget to put a return address on your letter!

Toys for Tots logo

Toys for Tots

The Police Department, in conjunction with the U.S. Marine Corps League, is participating in the Toys for Tots Campaign. Please bring a new unwrapped toy to the Police Department, Monday-Friday between 9:00 AM and 4:30 PM or call 739-6776 to make other arrangements. All toys collected will be given to local organizations and distributed to needy children. Collection: November 1, 2024 - December 15, 2024.

Senior Citizen Tax Exemptions

Property owners 65 years of age of older may be eligible for senior citizen tax exemptions on their primary residence.

Senior citizens have until December 31st to apply for such exemptions. Application renewals are required annually, income limit is $58,400.

For information please contact the Village Hall at 914-737-1033 (press 1), or email villageclerk@buchananny.gov.

Happy Halloween

Leaf Pickup & Organic Yard Waste

Leaf Vac pickup will begin the week of October 21

Leaf Vac
  • The Leaf Vac will follow the garbage route.
  • Leaves should be raked to the curb NOT in the road. They create drainage problems and are also a traffic and pedestrian hazard.  RESIDENTS WILL BE SUBJECT TO A FINE PER VILLAGE CODE §163-2 B&C.
  • Please speak to your lawn service and remind them that sticks, branches, and rocks must be kept out of the leaf piles.  This will help prevent Leaf Vac breakdowns.
Organic Yard Waste
  • Recyclable paper bags MUST be used for organic waste pick up. PLASTIC BAGS WILL BE LEFT AT THE CURB.
  • Recyclable bags will be picked up with garden and flower bed organic yard waste as well as bundled clippings. NO GRASS. BAGS WILL BE PICKED UP FASTER.
  • Pick up days for leaf bags, organic yard waste, and clippings will be Tuesdays and Fridays of non-bulk weeks in October, November, and December. 

Note:   Recyclable paper bags can be picked up at the Highway Department beginning October 21st,  Monday-Friday 7:00 AM-9:00 AM and 2:00 PM-3:00 PM

Volunteers Needed

Buchanan Engine Company #1

Buchanan Engine Co. is an all-volunteer, independent fire company and is looking for volunteers. It is an amazing experience to volunteer in your community.

Volunteers must be at least 16 years of age and meet the minimum attendance requirements of 10 drills per year. If you are between the ages of 14 and 16 and reside in the Hendrick Hudson School District, ask about our Junior Explorer Program.

Please contact chief@buchananfire.com or 914-737-0334.

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